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Economic development is essential for the residents of Columbiana County to create a better way of life for our community.

Economic Development

Economic development is vitally important in our county government because it creates more opportunity and a better way of life for residents of Columbiana County. It will increase funds to improve county services and allow businesses to grow in revenue as well. 

The importance of local economic development is more obvious now than ever, with ongoing inflation increasing nationwide, our county government must prioritize economic growth to create jobs, keep up with rising costs, and maintain a competitive advantage over other municipalities.

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Sheriff's Substations

We need to explore the options of placing substations through out the county. 

As a previous law enforcement officer I know the need for quick responses can mean the difference in a good outcome to a situation rather than a bad one.

When a call is received in the  southern part of Columbiana county the time for a deputy to respond can take over 20 minutes. This is not the deputies fault. 

We as a community can work with the Sheriff and help implement new procedures to decrease these longer response times. 

I have spoken with some of our Township leaders and they are willing to help in the cost and provide locations for the deputies to work out of. 

Starting off small and expanding as needed could make the difference in how a situation that requires law enforcement intervention turns out. 

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Monthly Meetings

County Commissioners meet every Wednesday morning at 9am. In order to better represent the citizens of Columbiana County when elected I will hold an additional monthly meetings throughout the county at 7pm to hear concerns and ideas form our fellow residents. These meetings will be posted on social media prior to the date and time so that citizens have the time to make arrangements to attend.  Read More

Committee to Elect Raymond Cox
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